When the application is received, if testing is required you will receive a testing authorization form. Once all the required application information is received, reviewed and approved you will receive a Contingent Letter of Approval indicating any remaining items required such as proof of Workman’s Comp Insurance and posting of the required bond. Once all requirements are met and a license number is assigned it will appear on our website. A license wall card and pocket cards will be mailed to you.
If your application can not be approved, you will be notixfied.
No. Application fees are not refundable.
Examination Requirements: A Business and Law (CMS) examination will be required. A trade examination may be required depending on the classification requested. You will receive an Examination Eligibility form after the application is submitted and experience is verified. Find a link to the Candidate information bulletin, exam content outlines, and order forms for the “CMS” exam and trade here.
There may or may not be a trade examination required based on the classification you are requesting. Under certain circumstances the Nevada State Contractors Board will waive the trade examination requirement. Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the examination requirements.
You May Be Eligible for Waiver of the trade exam if:
• Current/Recent Nevada Qualified Employee: If you have served as a qualified employee on a license in the State of Nevada in the same classification requested in good standing within the last 5 years.
• B or B-2 Exam Waiver: Applicants for a full “B” General Building or “B-2” Residential and Small Commercial license may be considered for waiver of the trade exam if you have passed the National Association of State Contractor Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) Accredited General Building Exam. You will need to purchase and electronically send your transcript to the Board.
• Trade Exam Waiver by Endorsement – You may qualify for waiver of the trade exam by endorsement if you are licensed in one of the states listed on the State Equivalency Chart, available online.
Please review the State License Equivalency Chart to determine if you are eligible to receive waiver of the trade examination and experience certification portion of the application.
The Board will accept the following types of documentation in support the trade experience.
- Four (4) Certification of Work Experience Forms (Certificates) for EACH Trade Qualifier. Attachment B is the certification form.
- Certificates should be completed by employers, other than the applying company. If you are a self-employed contractor, customers for whom you have performed work for should complete them. Relatives cannot complete the certificates, unless they were your employer.
- The certificates must verify the experience requirements as stated above. Certificates that are not complete or not specific regarding the actual work performed will not be accepted.
- PLEASE NOTE: Each individual certificate does not have to demonstrate 4 years’ experience, but the aggregate time of experience listed (all certificates combined) must equal a minimum of 4 full years (1460 days).
- Any certificate determined to be false or misleading may be considered misrepresentation or omission of a material fact, in violation of NRS 624.3013(2).
- Additional certificates may be requested as necessary; or,
- A current masters certification issued by a governmental agency in a discipline substantially similar to the requested classification; or,
- Proof of transferrable military experience and training.
The Fingerprint Background Waiver form must be submitted with the application. Do not submit fingerprints until authorized to do so.
Fingerprints will be used to conduct a background investigation for all officers and qualified individuals included on an applications.
The Nevada State Contractors Board has contracted with PSI to conduct the testing required for a contractor’s license. You may view the PSI website for additional information at or by calling at 800.733.9267. Please note you may not schedule to take any examination until after your application is submitted and you receive notice from the Nevada State Contractors Board authorizing you to take the test. Once you receive your Examination Eligibility form, you will need to contact PSI to schedule the test.
A Business and Law (CMS) examination will be required. A trade examination may be required depending on the classification requested. You will receive an Examination Eligibility form after the application is submitted and experience is verified. Find a link to the Candidate information bulletin, exam content outlines, and order forms for the “CMS” exam and trade here.
Please see the following PSI testing locations in Nevada:
ELKO, Nevada
RENO, Nevada
PSI will also allow applicants to take the Nevada specific examinations at PSI owned sited in other states. Please contact PSI at 800.733.9267 to see if there’s a testing site near you.
Please visit PSI’s website for the examination content outline at
- PSI Website
- Class A Exam Information
- Class B Exam Information
- Class C Exam Information
- PSI Phone Number 1-800-733-9267
The business management test contains questions on state and federal laws and questions on the management of construction projects and business and financial management. Please visit PSI’s website for the examination content outline at
- PSI Website
- Class A Exam Information
- Class B Exam Information
- Class C Exam Information
- PSI Phone Number 1-800-733-9287
You must provide two forms of identification. One must be a valid government issued identification that bears your signature and photograph. The other must have your signature and preprinted legal name. (Birth certificates, social security cards, hunting licenses, etc., will not be accepted.)
Please see the PSI website at for more information
Please visit PSI’s website for the examination content outline at
- PSI Website
- Class A Exam Information
- Class B Exam Information
- Class C Exam Information
- PSI Phone Number 1-800-733-9287
Your scores will be computed and given to you the same day you test.
The score report will indicate “pass” or “fail” with a strength and weakness report, if you failed the exam.
Yes, you will be able to reschedule to retake the examination 2 weeks after failing. If the exam is failed 3 times, the application will be void and must be withdrawn pursuant to NAC 624.600(3).
If you miss or are late arriving for your appointment, you will forfeit your examination fee unless you cancel your appointment with PSI at least 2 days before the examination date.
No. Due to security issues the test questions may not be reviewed.
Any distribution of examination content or materials through any form of reproduction, or oral or written communication, is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
At most NV PSI locations, the examinations are offered 6-7 days a week. Please contact PSI at 800.733.9267 to check on the availability of the examinations in Nevada and any other state.
Yes. It is your responsibility to file a Contractor’s Bond in the amount required by the Board. The bond may be in the form of a surety bond or a cash deposit. Additional information on bonding requirements is provided in the license application packet.
Surety Bond Form
Residential pool contractors are also required to provide a consumer protection bond. This may be in the form of a Surety Bond or cash deposit in an amount based on the monetary limited placed on the license.
Pool Bond Requirements
Residential Pool and Spa Bond Form
You may obtain a surety bond from your insurance agent or from another insurance company which is authorized by the Nevada Department of Insurance to operate in Nevada and issue contractors license bonds with an A rating or better.
You may also provide a bond in the form of cash with the Nevada State Contractors Board. You must submit a certified funds check and a completed W-9 form. Checks must be made payable to the Nevada State Contractors Board. A $200 Cash Bond Administration fee is required by cash, or check separate from the cash bond check, at the time you submit the cash bond and each time you renew your license.
The surety bond must be continuous. This means that there is no termination date on the bond. You may be required to pay premiums to the insurance company periodically to keep the bond in force. The bonding company has the right to cancel the bond but must send a notice to you and the Nevada State Contractors Board sixty days prior to the cancellation date. You will have to replace the bond or your license will be suspended.
If your bond is in cash, the agency will retain the bond until two years after the license terminates. If no claims are made against the bond in that time, you may apply to have the bond released to you.
All new licenses issued in Nevada must post a bond. The amount of the bond is based on the monetary limit placed on the bond and the overall financial situation of the applicant.
The minimum bond amount is $1,000 and the maximum amount is $500,000
You must have a bond at all times your license is active. If you lose your bond your license will be suspended until you obtain a new bond. The new bond must be dated to the date your old bond was canceled. As an alternative you may post a cash bond.
A business consisting of a sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company, or a corporation may apply for a contractor’s license if they have a regularly employed person with the necessary experience, knowledge and skills who serves as the qualifying party. All persons listed on the application must be 18 years of age or older.
A corporation, limited partnership or limited liability company must be registered with the Nevada Secretary of State and in good standing with that agency before submitting an application for a contractor’s license. The corporation, limited partnership or limited liability company must remain in good standing in order to retain their contractor’s license.
NRS 624.020 “Contractor” synonymous with “builder”; “contractor” defined.
1. “Contractor” is synonymous with “builder.”
2. A contractor is any person, except a registered architect or a licensed professional engineer, acting solely in a professional capacity, who in any capacity other than as the employee of another with wages as the sole compensation, undertakes to, offers to undertake to, purports to have the capacity to undertake to, or submits a bid to, or does himself or herself or by or through others, construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, project, development or improvement, or to do any part thereof, including the erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in connection therewith. Evidence of the securing of any permit from a governmental agency or the employment of any person on a construction project must be accepted by the Board or any court of this State as prima facie evidence that the person securing that permit or employing any person on a construction project is acting in the capacity of a contractor pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
3. A contractor includes a subcontractor or specialty contractor, but does not include anyone who merely furnishes materials or supplies without fabricating them into, or consuming them in the performance of, the work of a contractor.
4. A contractor includes a construction manager who performs management and counseling services on a construction project for a professional fee.
5. A contractor does not include an owner of a planned unit development who enters into one or more oral or written agreements with one or more general building contractors or general engineering contractors to construct a work of improvement in the planned unit development if the general building contractors or general engineering contractors are licensed pursuant to this chapter and contract with the owner of the planned unit development to construct the entire work of improvement.
[2:Art. II:186:1941; A 1955, 378] + [3:Art. II:186:1941; 1931 NCL § 1474.11]—(NRS A 1975, 831; 1977, 319; 1997, 1037; 2001, 1621; 2003, 1899, 2140; 2005, 1223)Contractors must be properly licensed before submitting bids.
Please see NRS 624.031 for exemptions.
A license may be issued to an individual, a partnership, limited liability company or a corporation. The license belongs to the business and not to the qualifying party.
FREE Application Assistance Available!
Congratulations on taking the first step to becoming a licensed Nevada contractor! The Contractors Board takes pride in its licensees and appreciates the efforts they make to uphold the statutory and regulatory requirements that help promote integrity in the construction industry while protecting the health and safety of the public.
As you look over the application, we welcome and encourage you to take part in our FREE Business Assistance Program to receive guidance and have your questions answered by one of our experienced licensed analysts. Can’t make it?? No worries! We have online video tutorials you can watch at your convenience, and you are always welcome to contact our licensing department directly with any additional questions or concerns you may have regarding your application.
PLEASE NOTE…The Contractors Board does not endorse nor recommend the services offered by third party license application assistance companies. If using a third party to complete your application, it is the applicants’ responsibility to ensure all information is accurate and complete prior to submission.
No registration required – Please attend if you are able
Free Online Business Assistance Program Details via Zoom
Dates: January – December: 3rd Tuesday
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 4373 4770
Password: 301315
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Meeting ID: 966 4373 4770
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Contact Person: Lisa Bedsole
Contact Phone: 702-486-1120
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What the **FREE** Business Assistance Program Offers
An overview of key application requirements;
Review of common mistakes made by applicants that can impede the processing time for an application and how to avoid them;
Guidance on exam and bonding requirements;
Answers to your questions; and
Business Assistance Program Downloads
Online Presentation
Applying for a License
License Classifications
Qualifying Party
Tips of Nevada Contractors
FAQ Central
Rules, Regulations & Statutes
We understand that even with the resources offered, you may still have questions or need additional guidance specific to your application and experiences. Our licensing analysts are available Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays) to assist you with completing your new license application.
Las Vegas (Southern Nevada) Reno (Northern Nevada)
(702) 486-1100 775-688-1141
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and answer all of your licensing questions. We look forward to welcoming you to the rank of licensed contractors in the State of Nevada in the near future!

The Nevada State Contractors Board extends its appreciation to all members of the Military and National Guard, and understands the challenges relocation can pose for Military families. In an effort to assist, the Contractors Board joins the State of Nevada in offering programs specific to Military families, which seeks to expedite our licensing application process.
If you are a member of the Military or National Guard and have a current and active contractor’s license in the State of Nevada, the Contractors Board will consider waiving the fees associated with the late renewal of your license if you are called to active duty at the time your license expiration occurs.
- Application for Reinstatement
- Affidavit identifying the dates of active duty service
Intended for Military veterans returning to civilian life this program is intended to help expedite the application for a contractor’s license and ensure that veterans can return to work as quickly as possible.
Utilizing this program will afford you direct communicate with one staff member dedicated and specially trained to evaluate transferrable Military training and experience from all branches of the Military that meet minimum licensure requirements, in addition to evaluating college transcripts to help verify acceptable educational credit and experience.
- Copies of your DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- Education and training transcripts provided by your branch of the Military.
If you are the spouse of an active duty or veteran member of the Military, and you are relocating your construction business to Nevada, the Veterans Assistance Program is available to help expedite your license application process as well.
Through this program, a dedicated and specially trained staff member will evaluate your current records of licensure and help you identify if you qualify for waiver of the Board’s experience and/or trade exam requirements.
- Copies of your current license certificates from other states.
- NSCB New Contractor’s License Application
The Patriot Employer Program available through the Nevada Department of Veteran Services will connect your business with education and support to help fill your team with employees who’ve already proven to be successful. The program shows you where to find veterans, how to retain them, the tax credits available and other benefits to hiring men and women who have served our country. Veterans possess outstanding leadership and technical skills that make them an asset to any organization. Engaging this key talent pool benefits a company in measurable ways.
Learn more about this program and the resources available by visiting
The Nevada Department of Veterans Services’ website offers a variety of resources, advocacy opportunities, and other assistance to help you during your time of military transition to civilian life.
The Patriot Employer Program helps connect employers with qualified and skilled veterans to help bolster existing workforces.
Barbara Miller, License Analyst
775-850-7814 (Northern Nevada)
702-486-1100 x7814, (Southern Nevada)
The trade qualified individual must have, within the 10 years immediately preceding the filing of this application, at least 4 years of experience as a journeyman, foreman, supervising employee or contractor in the specific classification requested.
Training received in a program offered at an accredited college, university or equivalent program accepted by the Board may be used to satisfy up to, but not more than 3 years of experience.
Proof of transferable military training may also be used to satisfy the work experience requirement.
Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the experience requirements.
Current and former employers may be contacted to verify experience.
Yes. All applications submitted to our office are considered public record.
The Nevada State Contractors Board is committed to providing access to public records in accordance with NRS 239. All public records, the contents of which are not otherwise declared by law to be confidential, shall be open for inspection or to obtain copies.
The trade qualifier must be able to demonstrate the required experience for at least 4 years out of the last 10 years immediately preceding the application date.
No. You do not have to meet any educational requirements in order to qualify for a contractor’s license.
However, training received in a program offered at an accredited college, university or equivalent program accepted by the Board may be used to satisfy up to, but not more than 3 years of experience.
Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the experience requirements.
Training received in a program offered at an accredited college, university or equivalent program accepted by the Board may be used to satisfy up to, but not more than 3 years of experience.
You must provide written documentation of any training or education claimed in place of experience. Acceptable documentation includes copies of apprenticeship certificates and college transcripts.
Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the experience requirements.
The fees for a contractor’s license are the same regardless of the classification of license for which you are applying. The fee to apply is $300. If your license is approved the license fee is $600 for a two year license. Nevada does NOT issue one year licenses. If you are engaged in residential work you must participate in the Residential Recovery Fund. The Residential Recovery Fund fee is based on the monetary limit placed on the license. The license fee and Residential Recovery Fund fee is due at the time you license is issued and every two years when your license is renewed. Fees must be paid in full. There is no payment plan and the Board does not accept partial payments.
A license is issued for two years and must be renewed biennially with the required renewal fees. A renewal notice will be mailed to the address on our records which you have provided.
No, you can NOT use another states license to do work in Nevada. You must apply for and be issued a license in Nevada by the Nevada State Contractors Board.
However, you may qualify for waiver of the trade exam by endorsement if you are licensed in one of the states listed on the State Equivalency Chart.
Please review the State License Equivalency Chart to determine if you are eligible to receive waiver of the trade examination and experience certification portion of the application.
In order to be considered for licensure by endorsement you must submit with your application a Request for Verification of License, completed by your endorsing state.
Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the experience requirements.
Under certain circumstances the Nevada State Contractors Board will waive the trade examination requirement and/or the experience certification requirement for applicants that qualify for licensure by endorsement. These waivers are granted for applicants who are licensed in states determined by Nevada to have substantially equivalent requirements.
In order to apply for licensure by endorsement, you will need to have been actively licensed in the endorsing state for the past four (4) years and not have had any disciplinary actions, suspension, revocation or other sanctions against your license.
Please review the State License Equivalency Chart to determine if you are eligible to receive waiver of the trade examination and experience certification portion of the application based on endorsement by another state.
In order to be considered for licensure by endorsement you must submit with your application a Request for Verification of License, completed by your endorsing state.
Please review the Contractor’s License Application for more information regarding the experience requirements.
In order to apply for a contractor’s license, the applicant must list a single individual person that will be qualifying on behalf of the business entity.
The “qualifying party” means a person who is regularly employed by the licensee and is actively engaged in the classification of work for which the person qualifies in behalf of the licensee.
The qualifying party must have the necessary experience, knowledge and skills to supervise or perform the contracting work.
The qualifying party may be the owner of a sole proprietor business, one of the partners of a partnership, one of the members or managers of a limited liability company, one of the officers of a corporation or an employee of the contracting business.
The qualifying person must pass the required examinations for the license.
The qualifying person must have the required years of experience as a journeyman, foreman, supervisor, or contractor in the classification for which he or she is applying.
While engaged as a qualifying party for a licensee, the qualifying party shall not take other employment that would conflict with his duties as qualifying party or conflict with his ability to adequately supervise the work performed by the licensee.
A person may serve as the qualifying party for additional licenses if one of the following conditions exists:
- One Licensee owns of at least twenty-five percent of each licensed entity for which the person acts in a qualifying capacity.
- The qualifying person owns at least 25% of all licensees that person wishes to qualify for. If the qualifying person holds a sole proprietor license that person may qualify for one additional license without meeting the ownership requirements.
The license holder is required to notify the Nevada State Contractors Board, in writing, within 10 days of the resignation, disassociation or termination of the qualifying person. Failure to notify the Board in the required time may lead to suspension of the license. The license can be reinstated once a new qualifier is approved.
Per NRS 624.285, you have 30 days to replace the qualifying person. If the originally qualified person is not replace within the 30 days the license will be subject to suspension.
Per NRS 624.285, you have 30 days to replace the qualifying person. If the originally qualified person is not replace within the 30 days the license will be subject to suspension.
Advertising includes but is not limited to, the issuance of a sign, card or device, or the permitting or allowing of any sign or marking on a motor vehicle, in any building, structure, newspaper, magazine or airway transmission, on the internet or in any directory under the listing of “contractor: with or without any limiting qualifications.
It is unlawful for any person, including a person exempt under the provisions of NRS 624.031, to advertise as a contractor unless the person has a license in the appropriate classification established by the provisions of NRS 624.215 and 624.220.
All advertising by a licensed contractor must include the name of the contractor’s company and the number of the contractor’s license.
It is unlawful for a licensed contractor to disseminate, as part of any advertising by the contractor, any false or misleading statement or representation of material fact that is intended, directly or indirectly, to induce another person to use the services of the contractor or to enter into any contract with the contractor or any obligation relating to the contract.
The NSCB does not have a “Handyman” license. All license classifications are defined in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 624.140 through 624.572 inclusive.
If the work to repair or maintain property is less than $1,000.00, including labor and material and does not require a building permit or involve work that is performed by a plumbing, electrical, refrigeration, heating or air conditioning contractor, then a contractor’s license is not required.
Pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 624.700 It is unlawful for any person or combination of persons to engage in business or act in the capacity of a contractor within this State or submit a bid on a job within this State without having an active license unless that person or combination of persons is exempted from licensure pursuant to NRS 624.031.
There is no penalty against the homeowner, however, when dealing with the unlicensed contractor the homeowner accepts the responsibility for compliance with applicable building codes and may be liable for any and all injuries sustained on the homeowners property, by the unlicensed contractor or his employees.
A first offense is punishable as a misdemeanor violation with either a citation being issued or criminal charges filed with the District Attorney’s Office.
A second offense may be punishable as a gross misdemeanor and a third or subsequent offense, may be punishable as a Class E felony.
In addition, the Board may issue an Administrative Citation for contracting without a license and assess a minimum fine of $1,000.00 and not more than $50,000.00.
In addition to any other penalty imposed pursuant to NRS 624.700, a person who is convicted of a violation may be required to pay court cost and costs of prosecution, reasonable costs of the investigation and damages to the person caused as a result of the violation, up to the amount of the person’s pecuniary gain from the violation.
If a person submits a bid or enters into a contract in violation of NRS 624.700(1), the bid or contract shall be deemed “void ab initio”.
No, the Residential Recovery Fund is only available to homeowners who use the services of properly licensed contractors.
If you have been the victim of an unlicensed contractor, you can obtain a criminal complaint form from the Nevada State Contractors Board website at
Complete the form and provide a written statement of the events that took place.
Provide copies of any contracts, receipts, invoices and/or cancelled checks. Once you have the information together, mail it to the appropriate office of the NSCB.
If you are observing unlicensed activity, report the information to the appropriate office of the NSCB. While you can remain anonymous, it is helpful if you provide a contact number in the event the investigator has questions regarding the unlicensed activity.