Sex: Female
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 220
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Race: N/A
Birthdate: 12/21/1984

2 Counts CWL- Admin Citation (Not Paid)

Southern Nevada

The Closet King, Bravo Closets, Danka Cabinets

Does unlicensed contracting business under the names of The Closet King, Bravo Closets, and Danka Cabinets and promises homeowners that he will build walk-in closets and various cabinetry. Known for using high pressure and strong-arm sales tactics for payments with homeowners in order to get money up front. Once money is obtained she will abandon projects and cease communication. DO NOT HIRE! UNLICNESED CONTRACTOR and CO-CONSPIRATOR WITH HUSBAND GEORGE MARASAS.