Sex: Male
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 230
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Race: White
Birthdate: 5/19/1998
6 counts CWL NRS 624.700
Northern Nevada
J & H Construction & Maintenance LLC
Modern Construction LLC
Jack Harrison has been a habitual offender in Northern Nevada since 2021. Harrison is known to use inferior product, perform poor quality work, and offer a 5-year warranty. Harrison has a history of not honoring his own warranty. Harrison works under the above listed companies and although they are licensed, the companies do not have the required A8 or A16 classifications to perform asphalt paving and sealing. Harrison has gained weight in the past 2 years and will look heavier in the face as compared to the photo above. Harrison has recently returned to the Douglas County area and has been observed driving a pickup with the J & H Construction & Maintenance company name displayed.